Monday, July 6, 2020

Mtn Biking Across the Divide with Owen and Friends

Another weekend another adventure (sometimes)!  In this case it's true as Owen and I (along with three friends of his) biked over the continental divide at Rollins Pass last Friday and stayed two nights at a condo in Winter Park before returning yesterday (Sunday).  On Saturday the boys all enjoyed a full day at "Trestle", the mtn bike park at Winter Park.  This trip was similar to one I'd done many (33 or 34) years before with my girlfriend at that time, Irene Browne, when we rode over to join friends at a concert at Winter Park.  I've been under the impression that we also rode back that time, but the more I've thought about it the less sure I am that I remember the return trip.  It may have been that we were so wiped out by the ride over that we bailed out and got a ride back to Nederland (where we were living at the time) with one of our friends.  I honestly can't now recall.  But we definitely biked both ways this time and this is another trip (like the climb up James Peak the previous weekend) which I don't plan to do again.  "Two and through!" is my new motto.

A few pics (it was tough to catch my breath long enough most of the time to take pictures, let alone get the group together for a commemorative shot) and more stories HERE.