Monday, March 30, 2020

Baby I'm Back! (apologies to Player)

Well, that little adventure is over.  And it was fun, and more, while it lasted.  But the porcine state employees were starting to crack down on the beachside parking lots and I got the feeling (after being ticketed for parking in an area, the only area open, I might add, due to all the others being closed down to discourage congregating at the beach, which was posted "vehicles with trailers only."  I mean, how dumb is that?  You can park a trailer there but not a vehicle without a trailer?  And I had to use the restroom!  And there weren't any other places open, they were all barricaded off, and there were at least 30 of these trailer places and only three vehicles there, mine and two others (duh) only one of which had a trailer attached!  I was there less than 10 minutes and never even went on the beach!  I said most of this in my online petition to challenge my ticket (except I forgot to point out that everything else was closed off).  Yet a clear case of entrapment, I contend.  Anyway, I'll see if they waive my ($58) ticket eventually but the writing was on the wall: it was time to be movin' on.

Since then I've spent 4 nights travelling east through S. California and Arizona to arrive again at my nexus in the Phoenix area, the greater Gila Bend/Maricopa Mtns vicinitude.

Hope you enjoy the following (linked here):

Everyone stay safe and isolated.  I know I am!