Thursday, August 27, 2020

Michigan 2020 Part 2


The overall narrative arc:

My sister was coming to our cottage for a few days with her family so I had to make myself scarce.  I had long planned to go up north to the Leelanau Peninsula (the pinky on the waving hand of the Lower Peninsula of MI, as I recently heard it described) where many Native Americans of the tribe (Ottawa) of one of my novel characters now live (they have a reservation and a casino, among other things).  I had planned to mingle and make friends and ask people how they felt about me appropriating their culture for my book and if there was any way to do that respectfully and, if I passed those hurdles, to ask if they would sit down and talk with me about their history and culture.

But since I had a total of three weeks available I didn't think I'd need all that time so I invited my adventure buddy Chris J to join me for some kayaking in the region.

As it turned out, she couldn't join me until about the end of the second week so I spent 13 nights at a place I affectionately call The Hole (I didn't make up that name but borrowed it from a fellow camper because it seemed to fit.  And it's kind of [insert appropriate description, not 'ironic' here] because I actually really like the place.  It's my number one Michigan camping spot!)

After that Chris J and I spent nearly a week exploring, camping, and paddling on the coast all the way up to the tip of the peninsula above Northport, at Leelanau State Park where we spent 3 nights.

At one point I passed the Eyaawing Museum and Cultural Center, where I had hoped to start and do the bulk of my research on Ottawas, but as I feared (and contrary to what it said in Google Maps) it was closed.  I could tell at first glance by the weeds in the parking lot.  I suppose I could have gone and had a drink at the casino and tried to meet people but the timing didn't seem good.  Maybe another year.  Plus I'm not sure the casino patrons would be the folks I'd want to talk to.  I'd probably rather talk to the employees but they'd probably be busy.  Long story short: no progress on the Ottawa culture direct research.  But I did take a lot of pictures (!) and I got a little writing done.

Then CJ had to return home for family obligations and I spent another 2 nights at The Hole.

Now I'm back at our Sylvan Beach cottage looking forward to being joined soon by my son Owen for like maybe a whole month?!?!!  Woo hoo!

Hoping you're all healthy and happy!
