Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Excitement Builds

This is but a trickly tributary, or splinter, of the still nascent Gila where it exits the upper regions of the Gila Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico and before it surges to the desert floor.  I am here preparing to meet my family members who will join me soon for a week of desert caravaning.  BUT FIRST!  I forgot to mention earlier, my loyal follower(s), that I have to update you on the story of the parking ticket I got in California!  It turns out the beneficent city of Oceanside saw fit to excuse me that particular time as a courtesy since I was from out of town.  How nice of them!  Now I can go back to CA again next winter and not have to worry about a bench warrant for my arrest because there was no way I was gonna pay that ticket.  BUT ON TO THE PRESENT!  I have chilled and marshaled my forces for a few weeks in Tucson and now I have ventured out again, this time to the east, to the Gila National Forest, birthplace of the queen of rivers, the Gila, to meet said family members, due any day now.  The story of how I got here is told in in the pictures which follow, but you will have to wait, as will I, for the story of what comes next.

Be well and of good cheer.  And all hail Aldo Leopold.

The pictures (with comments)